


An ADDIE-based Knowledge-Mapping Method for Finding Expert Support to Develop Competency-Based Progr ams




鄭滄祥(Tsang-Hsiang Cheng);曾智義(Chih-Yi Tseng);丁淑方(Shu‐Fang Ting)


知識地圖 ; 職能導向課程 ; 知識管理 ; 課程品保 ; Knowledge Map ; Competency-Based Program ; Knowledge Management ; Curriculum Quality Assurance




30卷2期(2022 / 03 / 01)


259 - 292






Competence-oriented curriculum contributes to the cultivation of professional competence in a Taiwan's cooperation and educational institutions. Taiwan's Ministry of Labor has developed the ADDIE curriculum model tailored to the needs for creating systematic and effective training programs. The application of the new model assists curriculum planner to create appropriate learning scaffolds for trainees. To ensure the quality of the training programs, the Ministry of Labor has also designed the iCAP course quality certification system based on the ADDIE model that helps educational institutions develop competency-based programs (CBPs). As it is challenging to find experts of the field in the early stages of CBPs curriculum design, this study aims to propose an ADDIE-based knowledge-mapping method that helps to show the distribution of expert knowledge for course design counseling. This study also presents the application of the proposed knowledge-mapping method to build a prototype of competency-based knowledge map with the participation of 17 experts from southern Taiwan. We hope that each training unit can easily grasp the distribution of experts’ knowledge on CBPs curriculum design and obtain appropriate course consultation and assistance to develop high-quality CBPs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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