


Participation in Online Social Networks for Sensitive Social Issues: An Exploratory Study on the Influence of Spiral of Silence and Social Capital




王凱(Kai Wang);甘孟玄(Meng-Hsuan Kan)


沉默螺旋 ; 社會資本 ; 敏感性社會議題 ; 意見表達意願 ; Spiral of Silence ; Social Capital ; Sensitive Social Issues ; Intention for Opinion Expression




30卷2期(2022 / 03 / 01)


367 - 408






Online social platforms are common field for discussing sensitive social issues. How to strengthen personal intentions for opinion expression or participation in discussions is key to civic engagement and nation development. This research integrates the spiral of silence and social capital theories to investigate the issue of opinion expression for sensitive social issues. Also, this research also explores the moderating effects of social capital on the main effects. Results show that (1) consistency of perceived climate of opinion positively affects intention for opinion expression, (2) fear of isolation and self-presentational concern negatively affects intention for opinion expression (the influence of the latter, however, was insignificant for same-sex marriage issues), (3) for emerging and transitory opinion types, social capital negatively moderates the negative relationship between self-presentational concern and intention for opinion expression, and (4) the moderating effect of social capital on the influences of either consistency of perceived climate of opinion or fear of isolation on intention for opinion expression failed to be supported.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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