


Government as a Collaborative Network-Based Emerging Infectious Disease Platform Ecosystem: Lessons from COVID-19




林君憶(Chun-Yi Lin);洪為璽(Wei-Hsi Hung);季延平(Yan-Ping Chi)


COVID-19 ; 平台生態系統 ; 協力式緊急事件管理網絡 ; 周邊視野 ; 案例推理 ; COVID-19 ; Platform Ecosystems ; Collaborative Emergency Management Networks ; Peripheral Vision ; Case-Based Reasoning




31卷2期(2023 / 06 / 01)


213 - 282






This paper aimed to use information technology to construct a collaborative network-based platform ecosystem model on emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). This model integrates key boundary-spanning activities and entities of a complex nature. Few empirical studies have explored how governments leverage information technology to realize such a model. The paper adopted the method of grounded theory in an initial exploration of such a model; specifically, data on the response of national governments to COVID-19 were analyzed, and abstractions of social interactions in EIDs were concretized and empirically investigated. Results from the adoption of a coding paradigm revealed that the EID platform model, where theory fit is combined with the use of information technology, helps governments manage collaborative networks and key boundary-spanning activities. Specifically, the platform allowed for the sharing of EID risk assessment and epidemic surveillance data, communication regarding EID developments and engagement with the community, the realization of an EID collaborative network and integration with business. Through this system, government authorities respond to EID outbreaks in different phases with the four functions of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery in the model. This network helps governments strengthen their response to EIDs in emergencies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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