


A Conceptual Framework for Institutionalization of Radical Technological Innovation




李傳楷(Chuan-Kai Lee);馬鈺欣(Yu-Hsin Ma)


突破性技術創新 ; 制度化 ; 創新系統 ; 破壞式創新 ; 技術商品化 ; Radical Technological Innovation ; Institutionalization ; System of Innovation ; Disruptive Innovation ; Technology Commercialization




31卷3期(2023 / 09 / 01)


403 - 446






Radical technological innovations have far-reaching impacts on the development of firms, industries, and economies in a country. However, because of lack of an integrative framework, past researches on radical technological innovations make identify key issues difficult. This paper aims to integrate both system and agency perspectives to propose an integrative conceptual framework for exploring the institutionalization process of radical technological innovations from the academic end to the market end, particularly the interactions between actors and their institutional environments, and associated major challenges and key issues. The institutionalization process has been divided by three stages, capitalizing, legitimizing and organizing, corresponding to three different types of strategic action and their embedded institutional environments. This framework will contribute enhancing our understanding of radical technological innovations in technology policy, entrepreneurship management, technology management and strategic management to overcome the blind spots of past researches, and also help elucidate current research gaps, and suggest future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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