


The Interfirm Division of Labor and Specific Assets in the Platform-based Ecosystem: The Case Study of Intel, Brand Firm and Contract Manufacturer




許經明(Jing-Ming Shiu);劉信言(Hsin-Yen Liu)


平台基礎生態系 ; 組織間關係 ; 平台的技術變化 ; 平台專屬性資產 ; 伺服器電腦 ; Platform-based Ecosystem ; Interorganizational Relationship ; Platform Technology Change ; Platform-specific Assets ; Server PC




31卷4期(2023 / 12 / 01)


593 - 633






This research explores the interorganizational relationships between server PC brand firms and contract manufacturers in the server PC ecosystem. We found that this kind of interorganizational relationship is not that the previous studies have emphasized a high degree of complementarity and mobility, but rather an adaptation and learning to accommodate platform technology changes, which results in changing complementarity and mobility. We found that server PC brand firms and contract manufacturers (also known as complementors) will invest platform-specific assets required for new product development under the new generation of Intel (also known as platform firm) CPUs. In the past, most of the research on the platform-based ecosystem is from the platform firm's perspective. It has emphasized that the platform firm's standards will influence the relationships among organizations. This research argued that the standards couldn't completely define a high degree of complementarity and mobility of interorganizational relationships. We incorporate the technological changes of the platform into the discussion of interorganizational relationships and propose that platform-specific assets are the ones that will affect the complementarity and mobility of interorganizational relationships. We clarify the interorganizational relationship from the perspective of server PC firms and contract manufacturers, which can also complement the discussion of complementors' perspectives in the platform-based ecosystem.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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