


Managerial Empire Building and Financial Statement Readability: The Effect of Supply Chain Auditor




陳家慧(Chia-Hui Chen);劉佩怡(Pei-Yi Liu);陳沛妤(Pei-Yu Chen)


財務報表可讀性 ; 管理當局帝國建立 ; 供應鏈會計師 ; Financial Statement Readability ; Managerial Empire Building ; Supply Chain Auditor




32卷3期(2024 / 09 / 01)


409 - 454






Financial statements comprise numbers and a series of notes, and they are the primary means through which stakeholders understand how a company is operating. Supplementing numbers with text help users of financial reports understand what the numbers mean. Therefore, in recent years, many studies have investigated whether such textual descriptions are informative. This study explores the relation between the readability of financial statement footnotes and managerial empires building among listed Taiwanese companies between 2013 and 2018. By using the Chinese readability formula to measure readability, we found that the more incentivized a manager is to build an empire, the less readable their firm's financial statements are. However, this negative relationship is attenuated if the firm is audited by a supply chain auditor. Our findings provide new evidence that managers tend to use more complex and opaque expressions to make their financial statements less readable, thus achieving the purpose of concealing information from stakeholders.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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