


Chiang Kai-Shek's Period in Xikou (1949)




林桶法(Tung-Fa Lin)


蔣介石 ; 下野 ; 和談 ; 國民黨 ; 李宗仁 ; 溪口 ; Chiang Kai-Shek ; resigned from president ; the peaceful conference ; Kuomintang ; Li Tsung-jen ; Xikou




16期(2005 / 07 / 01)


239 - 277




民國以來蔣三次下野與復出,絕不是孤立的個人事件,它反映了國民黨內部複雜的人際關係。三次下野有許多相似之處,都是被逼不得已引退,都回溪口老家,都重新掌控政權,但同中有異,心境不同,時局不同,最後發展結果也不同,本文主要敘述第三次下野回奉化溪口的情形,也對三次下野作一些比較。 蔣雖宣佈引退,但仍具有國民黨總裁之職,因此自其回溪口後,幾乎每天都有訪客,對此司徒雷登(John Stuart Leighton)談到:「事實上,他正做著軍事及一切其他方面的策略。」對於來訪黨政要員的請益,蔣也都給予若干的指示,同時與李宗仁間因爲武器及黃金移至臺灣、行政院遷廣州、與中共北平和談等問題展開較勁,但時局的變化或者稱爲變壞,與蔣的操控是否有關當然值得重視。 蔣引退後幾乎都有做早課及撰寫日記的習慣,平常除遊歷山水之外,還有研究國事及閱讀的習慣,最常閱讀的書是聖經、曾國藩、王陽明等的著作,此外也閱讀許多族譜的資料,最後完成族譜的修訂工作,也算是這段期間對族人的貢獻。 過去研究者較著重蔣對黨政的影響,本文也提到其家庭生活,這段期間是蔣難得的清閒,加上年齡漸大及歷練更豐富,也比較懂得珍惜與親人相處的時間。在關心政治史的同時,如能也關注一般的生活,較能看到統治者的另一面。


It was far from an isolated and personal event that Chiang had resigned from president and revived for three times Instead, it reflects the complex social relationship inside the Kuomintang There were many similarities between the three resignations Chiang was all coerced into resigning, was back to his home town Xikou, and once again got back to power in the long run However, there were still differences his mental condition, political situation were different Thus, they all ended in different ways This essay is primarily about his third resignation in 1949 and at the same time makes some comparison between the three periods. Since Chiang was still the chairman of the Kuomintang in spite of his announcement to resign, he virtually had visitors every day after he went back to Xikou. John Stuart Leighton commented that: ”Actually, he was planning strategies for military and for every other aspect.” Chiang also gave some indication to those important officials who visited and consulted him. At the same time, he fought with Li Tsung-jen on issues such as migration to Taiwan because of its weapon and gold, The Executive Yuan's movement to Canton, and the peaceful conference with the Communist Party in Peiping. As a result, it's surely worthy of valuing whether Chiang's management has something to do with the change, or the worse, of the situation then. Chiang formed the habit of doing the morning works and keeping a diary almost every day. Besides hiking around, he also made it a rule to study the national conditions and read, He often read the Bible or the literary works of Wang Young-ming. He as well read many data about his family tree and revised it in the end. This contribution to his family members can also be attributed to his days in Xikou. Researchers in the past focused mostly on Chiang's political impact on the Kuomintang. This essay also mentions his home life during the period in Xikou, which was his scarce relax. As his age grew older and his experiences became richer, Chiang knew better how to cherish the time with his family as well. If we can also pay attention to his ordinary life while caring only about the political history, we can see the other side of the ruler more easily.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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