


James Legge-Religious and Cultural Emissary




雷俊玲(Chun-Lin Lei)


理雅各 ; 倫敦傳道會 ; 中國經典 ; 中西文化 ; James Legge ; London Missionary Society ; the Chinese classics ; Chinese and Western cultural exchanges




18期(2006 / 12 / 01)


99 - 127




十九世紀以後,基督新教大規模的傳入中國。基督新教作為一種外來的文化,與中國本土文化的關係,成為傳教士思考的主要問題。他們承襲了利瑪竇的「文化適應」方略,強調做為傳教士應當了解中國的文化和社會。英國倫敦傳道會的傳教士理雅各(James Legge, 1815-1897)就基於這種理解和自覺,在東方展開了三十三年(1840-1873,馬六甲、香港)的傳教生涯。一方面以傳教士的身分把基督新教傳入;另一方面則以學者的身分將中國經典譯介至西方,成為東西文化交流的橋樑。以同時代的傳教士而言其貢獻至為卓越。本文擬就理雅各在中西文化交流中,針對其宗教與文化方面的貢獻進行探討。


Protestantism made a major upsurge in China after the 19th century. Being a foreign cultural tradition, Protestant missionaries faced the challenge of overcoming local cultural barriers in its efforts to establish a following in China. They decided to adopt Matteo Ricci's (1552-1610A.D.) ”acculturation” strategy, emphasizing the importance for missionaries to understand the culture and society of China. James Legge (1815-1897), a missionary from England's London Missionary Society, fully grasped this concept and was able to actively engage in missionary work for 33 years, from 1840-1873 in Malacca, Malaysia and Hong Kong. In one aspect, he worked as a missionary bringing Protestantism to China; and in another aspect, he was a scholar who translated the Chinese classics and introduced them to the West. This positioned him in a pivotal role as a bridge between the cultures of the East and West. His impacting contributions far exceeded those of other missionaries during this period.This paper discusses James Legge's contributions as a religious and cultural emissary, who was able to open up channels for exchange between Chinese and Western cultures.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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