


The Jewish Writer? The Writing Career of the Shanghai Female Writer Su Qing in the Sino-Japanese war




高郁雅(Yu-Ya Kao)


蘇青 ; 淪陷上海 ; 猶太 ; Su Qing, ; besieged Shanghai ; Jewish




19期(2007 / 07 / 01)


119 - 162




蘇青是被中國現代文學史遺忘的作家,早期的中國現代文學史書,對她多隻字不提。事實上在1940 年代的上海淪陷區,蘇青可謂首屈一指的女作家,走紅程度更甚於張愛玲。蘇青成為作家前曾結婚生子,後因丈夫外遇雙方離婚,逐漸走上職業文人的道路。她的文章平實坦白,寫初婚的感受、生育的痛苦與歡樂、婚外戀、離婚婦女獨立入世之不易、對兒女的牽腸掛肚,充滿女性涉世而遭幻滅的情懷。當時上海被日本佔領,蘇青以一個離婚的單身女子獨立生活,受著社會的各種議論,走出一條以文謀生、以文自娛的道路,非常不容易。然而抗戰勝利後,蘇青、張愛玲等作家因在上海淪陷時的表現,被視為文化漢奸,漸漸被中國現代文學史遺忘。然而近來張愛玲再度走紅,蘇青的遭遇卻不同,鮮有文史學家提到她。本文就是一個嘗試,從蘇青受人爭議的「猶太作家」角度切入,探究她在淪陷上海鬻文為生、經營文化事業的種種問題。


Su Qing was the long forgotten writer in the history of Chinese modern literature. There is hardly any description about her in the books of Chinese modern literature. In fact, Su Qing was the most the famous female writer in the Shanghai besieged period in the forties; she is even more popular than Eileen Chang at that time. Su Qing had been married and gave birth to child before becoming the writer, then got divorced when her husband having affair. Later on, she had become the professional writer. Su Qing’s article was smooth and straightforward, it talked about the feeling of newly wedded, and the pain and joy of birth, love affairs, and the difficulties of divorce women become independent and the concern about the children. Those articles were full of the feeling of women first enter the society and got disillusionment afterward. It was not easy for her to live independently as being the divorced women in the Japanese occupied Shanghai period. Su Qing had to bear all kinds of commets from society. Besides, to make livings by writing and taken it as entertainment was also not easy at that age. After the victory of Sino-Japanese war, Su Qing and Eileen Chang’s behaviors in the besieged Shanghai period were taken as cultural collaborators and were gradually forgotten by the history of Chinese modern literature. However, Eileen Chang had been well known again in the recent years, Su Qing’s experience was quite different, and that is hardly any literary writers or historians talking about her. In this thesis, I will try to discuss Su Qing’s most deputed role as the Jewish writer, in order to understand the problems of her writing career and cultural enterprises operation.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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