


Religion and Modernity: Rise and Decline of Pillarized Catholicism in Belgium and Nederlanden(Low Countries)




張淑勤(Shu-Chin Chang)


天主教 ; 分立化 ; 世俗化 ; 現代性 ; 比利時 ; 荷蘭天主教地區 ; Catholic Church ; pillarization ; secularization ; modernity ; Belgium ; Catholic Netherlands




22期(2009 / 01 / 01)


269 - 306






This article takes a fresh look at the socio-religious history of modern Belgium and Catholic Netherlands, While the history of religion in modern western countries traditionally was framed into a discourse of secularization and of anti-modernist reactions of in particular the Catholic Church, this master narrative has been severely criticized since the 1980s. In this article a new approach incites to reconsider basic interpretations of 'what is Modernity?'. One of the new elements in here is the recognition of tradition and the need to anchor the present in the past as basic features of modernity.This article reconsiders the process of pillarization, of the role of men and women, and emphasizes the importance of different 'revivals' in the nineteenth en twentieth century. It also focuses on some tensions within the Catholic pillar in Low Countries, particularly between the perspectives of the hierarchy and the laity, and on the gradual 'democratization' of the Catholic pillar. It adopts a long term perspective and covers the whole 'modern' period, in order to assess the basic patterns of its modernization, including the fundamental transformations since the 1960. The contemporary end of the ability to keep the 'chain of memories' intact - to keep the tradition alive and to situate and anchor the present in an imagined past, notwithstanding some important continuities actually signals the end of pillarized Catholicism and indeed of modernity in the Low Countries.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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