


Sima Qian's Discourse and Consciousness on the History of Historiography




戴晉新(Chin-Hsin Tai)


司馬遷 ; 《史記》 ; 史學史論述 ; 史學史意識 ; Sima Qian ; Records of the Grand Historian ; discourse on the history of historiography ; consciousness on the history of historiography




23期(2009 / 06 / 01)


137 - 160






Sima Qian (ca. 145 or 135-86 BC) has always been regarded as a great historian of ancient China. The emergence of his ”Records of the Grand Historian” can be said to have represented a new historiography and a new learning at the time in terms of style, content, and method of thinking. As a great historian, Sima Qian had his own distinctive notion with regards to historiography, and this understanding was intimately related to his discourse and consciousness on the history of historiography. In Sima Qian's age, the terms for ”historiography” and the ”history of historiography” had yet to appear, so in terms of language, a discussion of his discourse and consciousness on the history of historiography may be rather inappropriate for his era. However, as a linguistic tool for analyzing a person's thought, we as modern scholars may have no other choice. The present study combs through discourses in ”Records of the Grand Historian” related to the history of historiography in an attempt to probe Sima Qian's consciousness on the subject. The focus is on how Sima Qian regarded the tradition of historiographers, the circulation of historical texts, the classical and historical meaning behind ”The Spring and Autumn Annals”, and the academic standing of his own writings. The conclusion of the study points out the unique elements and formation of Sima Qian's discourse and consciousness of historiography.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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