


A Study of Religious Discussions in the "Chih-fang wai-chi" by Giulio Aleni




洪健榮(Chien-Jung Hung)


西學 ; 艾儒略 ; 天主教 ; 地理知識 ; 耶穌會士 ; Western learning ; Giulio Aleni ; Catholic ; geography knowledge ; Jesuit missionaries




24期(2009 / 12 / 01)


159 - 193






In the history of the eastward spread of Western learning, the ”Chih-fang wai-chi” (The Comprehensive Atlas and Geography of the World, first published in 1623) by Giulio Aleni (1582-1649) usually be considered as the most significant work which introduces the concept of a spherical Earth and the people and culture on five continents.This study does not discuss the scientific achievements of the work but focus on the analysis of its main purpose: to evangelize with geography knowledge. The geography discourse of this book contains religious discussions on such as biblical stories, Catholic doctrines, acts of the Apostles, prosperous of Catholic countries, and the naturalization of pagan areas. These contents could lead Chinese people to discovery the existence of God, its grace of creation of all things, and its power of omniscient and omnipotence.Aleni hopes by using this way would let the late-Ming gentries admire and then believe the God in order to achieve his religious goal.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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