


The Attitude of American Chinese Newspapers to Tatsu Maru Incident and anti-Japanese Boycott Movement of 1908 in American-A Case Study of Chinese Daily Paper of San Francisco




湯熙勇(Shi-Yeoung Tang)


中西日報 ; 抵制美貨運動 ; 伍盤照 ; 舊金山 ; 二辰丸 ; 抵制日貨 ; 運動 ; Chinese Daily Paper ; San Francisco ; Tatsu Maru incident ; anti-Japanese boycott ; American Chinese ; Self-Government ; Society in Canton




25期(2010 / 07 / 01)


43 - 80




1908年2月7日,廣東水師船在澳門附近海面上,以載運軍火違禁物品走私之理由,查扣日本船二辰丸;其後,日本政府要求清政府釋放二辰丸,並向日本政府致歉及賠償損失。二辰丸事件暴露出日本的強勢及清政府的無能,屈辱中國的尊嚴,廣東自治會發起抵制日貨運動,從中國沿海地區,擴及至北美洲、澳洲及東南亞、日本等地,成為跨國性運動。透過香港1908年2月7日之電傳,抵制日貨的訊息刊登於美國舊金山的《中西日報》上。20世紀初期,因為二辰丸案,美國華人首次以日本為抵制運動的對象。1900年2月16日,華籍牧師伍盤照(Ng Poon Chew)於舊金山創辦《中西日報》,該報發行網遍及檀香山、加拿大、墨西哥及巴拿馬等地。美國華人對於故鄉事務訊息的瞭解與掌握,除了口耳相傳或書信等,海外的華文報紙應運而生,滿足華人對知的需求,其影響力不容被忽視。《中西日報》詳盡報導二辰丸案的發展與演變,卻以「本報論說」方式,述明參與抵制美貨運動的缺失,對華人參與抵制日貨運動持消極態度,鼓勵華人應參與相關之美國事務等。抵制日貨運動期間,美國華人持保留之態度,以致於在該運動中「缺席」,未如香港、澳洲華人來得熱烈,無法在環太平洋四周聯繫成環狀之華人抗議運動圈。《中西日報》呼籲華人抵制日貨運動要保持理性與和平,舊金山華人社會及組織,包括中華會館或各同鄉會等,對抵制日貨運動維持冷靜的旁觀,未舉辦演講或捐款等活動,並以抵制美貨運動失敗的經驗為鑑,擔心抵制日貨運動帶來困擾。本文以《中西日報》處理二辰丸案及抵制日貨運動訊息之態度為中心,探討該報在報導及評論上所採取之立場及影響之原因。參考資料以《中西日報》為主,亦兼及相關之中、日文資料。


This study provides an analysis of the attitudes of Chinese Daily Paper (Chung Sai Yat Po), a Chinese newspaper in San Francisco, in America to the anti-Japanese boycott movement after the Tatsu Maru Incident during the early twentieth century China. On February 5, 1908, a Chinese warship of Canton seized the Japanese merchant steamer, Tatsu Maru, for the prevention of smuggling a cargo of arms and ammunition. The Chinese authorities alleged the seizure of the Japanese vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of Chinese.After the Chinese government formally apologized and released the steamer Tatsu Maru and to purchase the cargo of arm and ammunition, dissatisfaction had been expressed people lived in Canton areas. The Self-Government Society in Canton strongly recommended to promote a boycott of Japanese goods. Mass meetings are held across Kwangtung in response to the Tatsu Maru incident. merchants in Canton launch a boycott of Japanese goods and the anti-Japanese boycott is spreading throughout China .Those Chinese who were living in China abroad, for examples, in Hong Kong, New South Wales and Tokyo, also joined and supported the boycott of Japanese goods. It was the first time to urge all Chinese in Asia and America not to buy Japanese goods. Chinese Daily Pape in San Francisco showed its strong care of the anti-Japanese boycott movement. Actually, the attitude of Chinese Daily Paper was not so enthusiastic to encourage the Chinese in America to join the movement.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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