The era of Peter the Great (1682-1725) made many reforms. He accepted the western technology and customs. The traditionalists those who are peasants, clergy, Old Believers, strel'tsy, Cossacks, townspeople, Tsarevich Aleksei and conservative nobles, to oppose all of reforms. In the eyes of the adherents of old Muscovy, the religious belief was the most significant. About shaving beards, wearing German clothes, smoking tobacco and changing calendar were condemned for violating tradition and religious belief.Peter the Great eliminated any opposition from the Orthodox Church. After 1700, Peter kept the vacant patriarch till 1721. The creation of the Church reform, the Spiritual Regulation of 1721, abolished the Patriarchate. The establishment of the Holy Synod in 1721, the Church was wholly subordinated to the state, to become a department of the state, eliminating the last restriction on the ruler's authority. The most obstreperous resistance to the Peter's Church Reform was the Old Believers, for them the reform was another confirmation of the reign of Antichrist.Tsarevich Aleksei was the son of Peter, he opposed Peter's reform. Aleksei closely contacted the priests, to support the old nobility, if he ascended the throne, he would restore Muscovite tradition than Western culture. Aleksei was sentenced to death in 1718, it closed to those in high circles who had reservations about Peter's reforms.
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