


The Political and Technical Stakes in the Means of Illustration in the Mémoires Concernant les Chinois(1776-1791)




李招瑩(Chao-Ying Lee)


耶穌會 ; 貝爾丹 ; 《中國論叢》 ; 狄德羅《百科全書》 ; 插圖 ; Ministre Bertin ; the Society of Jesus ; "Mémoires concernant les Chinois" ; Diderot's "Encyclopaedia" ; illustration




28期(2012 / 03 / 01)


103 - 142




《北京傳教士關於中國人歷史、科學、藝術、習俗論叢》(Mémoires concernant l'histoire, les sciences, les arts, les moeurs, les usages, etc. des Chinois)(簡稱《中國論叢》)(1776-1791)為歐洲十八世紀下半期介紹中國的最重要書籍,亦為法國漢學之祖,編輯橫跨中法兩地。法籍北京的傳教士蒐集資料與翻譯,寄至法國,再由法方東方語言專家編輯審訂。插圖題材包括哲學、歷史人物、軍事、音樂等各類主題,風格可分為中國風格、西方風格,以及中西混合風格。叢刊第九集刊出十二幅精美的〈嚴州水災重建敘事圖〉,完全複製中國版畫原型。圖像出現在另一個文化系統,觀者為另一個文化族群,主題與風格如何改變?新的文化意義為何?這一系列的插圖包含兩個主要的主題:一為水災重建工作;另一則為發放賑糧。為何這個中國主題會被法籍編輯篩選並且刊出?這一系列的災後重建技術的插圖由法國內政部長貝爾丹(Henri-Leonard-Jean-Baptiste Bertin, 1719-1792)所指定,乃為十八世紀的新主題,插圖忠實於中國的風格,中國原籍水災重建插圖集的主題主要是歌頌王政的功德,然而法文出版的《中國論叢》第九冊,編輯指出法國讀者主要的興趣在於觀看中國人如何建造房屋以及橋樑,針對技術的層面,對技術圖像的興趣與當時十八世紀狄德羅(Denis Diderot, 1713-1784)《百科全書》(Encyclopédie, 1751-1765)出版技術插圖的閱讀習性相關,反映當時讀者的品味。另外,插圖中水災重建與賑災的技術為貝爾丹指定的主題,期望借重中國的農業技術成為法國農業改革的模範。


The first fifteen volumes of ”Mémoires concernant l'histoire, les sciences, les arts, les moeurs, les usages, etc. des Chinois” (1776-1791) are most important to Europeans for introduction of China in the latter half of the eighteenth century. It was also the origin of Sinology in France. The editors included those in France and China. All data were collected or translated by French missionaries in Beijing. Then, they were mailed to France, edited and revised by oriental linguists. The illustrations included philosophy, historical figures, military, music, and so on. The expression styles were Chinese, Western, or with combination of both.There are twelve exquisite illustrations of flood relief in Yen-tcheou-fou from the ninth volume. They are copied directly from Chinese sources without modification. How about the authentic Chinese theme and style which appeared in another culture system and had been viewed by people of another culture group? What was its new cultural meaning?In this series of pictures, two themes are important, one is rebuilding of the bridge and the house, the other is distribution of the rice. Why the theme is chosen?In this collection, the illustration on technology and construction of barns, which are new themes imposed by Bertin are true to Chinese style. Here the motive is more political to use Chinese government agriculture as a model for reforms in France. The theme of flood relief in Chinese books is a glorified political issue while in the French book, readers want to see how the Chinese rebuilt the house and the bridge and barn. Theses pictures are in the spirit of Diderot's Encyclopaedia and the meaning of the representation of her time.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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