


To Affirm or Doubt: A Discussion of Several Critiques on Wang Guowei's Historiography




戴晉新(Chin-Hsin Tai)


陳寅恪 ; 郭沫若 ; 許冠三 ; 張廣達 ; 史學評論 ; Wang Guowei ; Chen Yinke ; Guo Moruo ; Xu Guansan ; Zhang Guangda ; historiographical critique




28期(2012 / 03 / 01)


207 - 233






Wang Guowei (1877-1927) was a genius in Sinology during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. His achievements in scholarship were renowned even in his own lifetime, and praise for him has grown even further over the more than eight decades since his death. Wang Guowei's scholarly achievements were on several fronts, his innovation in historiography being especially admired by many. Commentaries on Wang Guowei's historiography can be found scattered in an astonishingly large number of sources, such as biographies, books, articles, publications on the history of historiography and thought, memoirs, and commemorative writings. Of course, many of these opinions and ideas are merely repeats of previous ones, even become more or less platitudes. Some writings, however, forged new paths in an attempt to develop new theories, which have not necessarily received widespread acceptance. Still other viewpoints have unusual purposes blown out of proportion so that the original intent behind them has been gradually lost. When looking at the overall critical history surrounding Wang Guowei's historiography, not only can we deepen our understanding of Wang's studies, but we can also learn how these critiques in and of themselves reflect the historiographic viewpoints of the authors and the developments over time. If these can be distilled to address their underlying significance, it would indeed be a worthwhile effort. It thus goes without saying that this study is but a cursory search that only takes into consideration the critiques concerning Wang Guowei's historiography by such figures as Chen Yinke, Guo Moruo, Xu Guansan, and Zhang Guangda as a means of discussing my own impressions.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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