
跨國文化流動與變遷─論德籍牧師郭士立(K. F. A. Gützlaff)來臺旅行與對臺灣的認識(初探)


Cultural Exchange and Transformation-K. F. A. Gützlaff, a German Missionary's Travel in Formosa and His Understanding about Taiwan




余文堂(Wen-Tang Yu)


德籍牧師郭士立 ; 旅行 ; 臺灣 ; German Priest K. F. A. Gützlaff ; Journey ; Taiwan




29期(2012 / 09 / 01)


67 - 117




臺灣因物產豐富,且地處東亞交通要衝與重要戰略地位,自近代以來,已成為歐洲海權與殖民國家爭相奪取的地區;十七世紀上半葉,臺灣更成為荷蘭、西班牙的國際商業與貿易的轉運站,期間「德國人」並沒有缺席。十八、十九世紀之交拿破倫(Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821)稱霸歐洲時,德意志國家無法推動遠洋貿易與建立海外殖民地。1814年,他的霸權失敗後,歐洲封鎖解除;且自十九世紀三〇年代以來,由於普魯士與其他德意志國家組成「關稅同盟」(Zollverein)發展經濟,積極進行工業化;遂使德意志國家能積極拓展海外貿易,並又促成「德國人」到東亞進行貿易、傳教與建立殖民地的興趣,因而再度注意在東亞交通要衝的臺灣島;於是他們來臺旅行,且撰文加以報導,在鴉片戰爭之前,西人對臺灣的報導是以來自德國東部的新教牧師郭士立(Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff, 1803-1851)較為著名。十九世紀三〇年代初年,郭牧師協助英商怡和洋行進行調查中國沿海港口貿易時,他也橫渡臺灣海峽冒險經澎湖來臺旅行。雖然前後只有五天,但這次旅行是他走訪未曾探索過的澎湖和臺灣,最後他還訪問五條港的居民,而且能將當地獨特的文化、海岸景觀、生態與人民生活方式和商業加以仔細觀察,並在他的《旅行記》留下具有洞察力、難忘與獨特的回憶。當然,他的觀察與記錄保有他自身歷史文化的瞳孔,其觀察或許有所偏差。不過,他的報導是多面的,不但是清末鴉片戰爭前,西方人士對臺灣較詳盡的報導,也是一份跨國文化交流與近代臺灣接觸海洋文化的見證。


Due to Taiwan was a rich and fruitful land and situated in the communication center of East Asia and occupied in an important strategic position, Taiwan had become an area for occupation by the European marine powers and colonial nations in the modern history. Since the early 17th century, Taiwan even has become an important trade transfer station for the international traders from the Netherlands, Spain and including ”Germany”.When Europe was dominated by Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, the German state could not promote the international ocean trade and establishment of overseas colonies. Just until 1814 (after the fall of the Napoleon's regime) the trade embargoes in Europe was then released. Since the first thirty years in the nineteenth century, the Kingdom of Prussia (Königreich Preußen) and the other German states formed a customs union (Zollverein) to manage customs and economic policies within their territories as well as for the purpose of promoting industrialization actively, as a result, the German state could expand its overseas trade intensively and thus draw the interests of some Germans to come to the South-East Asia to do business, preach and/or establish their colonies etc. Therefore, once again Germans paid attention to the Taiwan Island - the communication center of East Asia. They traveled to Taiwan and wrote reports. Before the Opium War, the Westerners usually got the reports about Taiwan mostly from a German Protestant missionary K. F. A. Gützlaff (1803-1851) who came from the eastern part of Germany.Since the first thirty years in the nineteenth century, when Pastor Gützlaff helped the British company ”Jardine Matheson” investigating China's coastal port trades, he ever traveled over the Taiwan Strait via Penghu Islands (also known as Pescadores) with destination to Taiwan. Although his travel lasted for five days only, but this trip was his first visit to the unexplored Penghu and Taiwan islands. He also took the opportunity to visit the residents lived in the Five-rivers (Goǔ Tiaǔ Kanģ) Historical Area in Tainan City and observed deeply the unique local culture, coastal landscape, ecology, the lifestyle and trading business of the urban folks. He even wrote his careful observation and insightful, memorable and unique memories in the ”Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832 and 1833” published by him. Although his observations and records were based on his own eyes to view the local culture and write his own history and there might be certain prejudices in his observations, however, his reports were multifaceted, not only referred to the more detailed reports on Taiwan made by a Westerner in the late Qing Dynasty before the Opium War, but also a witness of the transnational cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the Western countries in the modern history.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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