


A Study of Philosophical Essays on Ghosts and Gods in Pre-Qin China


陳君愷(Chun-Kai Chen)


先秦思想 ; 鬼神 ; 懷疑論 ; 不可知論 ; 無鬼神論 ; 人文精神 ; guishen ; ghosts and gods ; pre-Qin era ; concepts of the supernatural ; atheism




31期(2013 / 09 / 01)


41 - 90






In Classical China, the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods predate China's unification under the Qin dynasty. This was a time of intellectual ferment in which philosophers of different states considered the crisis of their time and sought ideas to avert the collapse of the world as they knew it. Defining the supernatural character of ”ghosts and gods” (guishen 鬼神), and how they influence human beings, constituted one important element of their thought.This article examines pre-Qin philosophical views on ”guishen”, as well as how this conceived category of beings was differentiated from other beings, and therefore connected to the maintenance of world order. Such debates were inextricable linked to philosophical efforts to identify the supernatural and its influence. Some thinkers judged that humans needed to make cautious offerings to ghosts and gods; others believed that humans ought to avoid disturbing ghosts and gods altogether. They agreed that the nature of ghosts and gods was universal, but again disagreed on the precise relationship between man and ”guishen.” One view suggested that humans were not necessarily dependant on ghosts and gods, and even that these beings did not exist. Thus, skepticism, and even atheism, emerged. An opposing view asserted that ghosts and gods were useful for maintaining the order of the human world. Consequently, it was important to ensure harmony between men and ”guishen” in accordance with the universal rules of the cosmos.Finally this essay considers the views of the pre-Qin philosophers in the context of the historical development of China's culture. It also advances a comparison with the religious and scientific world view of the modern West. This provides insight into the influence that such views of ghosts and gods and religious faith had on contemporary society, as well as its profound historical significance.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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