


A Study of Philosophical Essays on Drinking and Eating in Pre-Qin China


陳君愷(Chun-kai Chen)


先秦思想 ; 飲食 ; 倫理觀 ; 生理需求 ; 養生 ; 糧食不足 ; yinshi ; drinking and eating ; pre-Qin era ; concepts of ethics ; shortage of food




33期(2014 / 09 / 01)


1 - 39






In China's classical age, the Spring and Autumn (770-476 B.C.) and Warring States (475-221 B.C.) periods predate the country’s unification under the Qin dynasty (221-206 B.C.). This was a time of intellectual ferment in which philosophers of different states considered the political and social crisis of their time and sought ideas to avert the collapse of the world as they knew it. Defining suitable way of "drinking and eating" (yinshi 飲食), as well as the manner that this practice sustained ideal human life, constituted one important element of their thought. This article examines pre-Qin philosophical views on yinshi. In that era, kings of different states cultivated refined appetites in pursuit of gourmet food and drink. Accordingly, philosophers, particularly Confucian thinkers, emphasized the importance of yinshi and its connection to the ideal social world. They deemed drinking and eating, as well as the self-discipline that properly accompany it, significant not just for enhanced ethical behavior, but also for the maintenance of good health. In addition, these philosophers identified food shortage as a critical problem of their time, one that required rectification if general order, prosperity, and moral development was to be maintained. This essay concludes with a discussion of the position of drinking and eating in human life from the vantage of both individuals and groups. This is advanced in comparison with the production and consumption of food in the modern world. Such a contrast helps us better ascertain the profound impact that pre-Qin yinshi thought has had on people today.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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