


Formation of Kung-Ju in Tang Dynasty


施淳益(Chun-yi Shi)


公舉 ; 中唐政局 ; 安史之亂 ; 江南士人 ; Kung-Ju (公舉) ; Political Situations during the mid-Tang Dynasty ; An-Shih Rebellion ; Southern Yangzi River Gentries




35期(2015 / 09 / 01)


31 - 72






This paper is going to exam the phenomenon of "Kung-Ju" in the Tang civil examination system. Through the standpoint of civil exam disputes and political conflicts, one can sees the process of how the emperor and his ministers try to uphold the power of selecting new recruits for the bureaucracy. In the end, originated by the Southern Yangzi River (江南) gentries, the method of publicly promoting able and meritious man became acceptable to both the emperor and his ministers. This method prevents one person to monopolize the power of selecting civil servants, and in conjunction became a special phenomenon of Tang's civil exam system. The power of promoting or demoting officials has always been a touchy issue in every dynasty, because it touches upon the political balance between the emperor, the prime minister and the officials. Tang dynasty is no exception to this rule as well. By studying the political conflicts and clash between the rights of personnel, focusing on Yang Wan (楊綰), Lu Chih (陸贄), and Quan De-yu's (權德輿) opinions and debates on the controversy of civic exam, hopefully the evolution of the civic exam during the Tang dynasty will become clear. Even though Yang Wan, Lu Chih, and Quan De-yu have the power to influence the outcome of the civil exam, but they are also restricted by political experience of the time. Therefore, they propose the idea of Civil Service Nomination System (察舉) to improve the civil exam system. In the political arena between the emperor, the prime minister and the officials, the process of selecting government officials swing between Civil Service Nomination System and formal test. And this process reflects the contestation between the three sides. This paper will focus on Yang Wan, Lu Chih, and Quan De-yu's opinions and debates on civil exam, in order to understand how the emperor, the prime minster and officials compete against each other after the An-Shih Rebellion (安史之亂). Furthermore, how this political contestation influenced the outlook of civil exam system during the Tang dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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