


Global Ecological Conservation Movements and Local Factions: A Politico-economic Analysis of Aogu Development Projects




湯京平(Ching-Ping Tang);呂季蓉(Chi-Jung Lu)


六輕 ; 地方分權 ; 濕地保育 ; decentralization ; The Sixth Naphtha Cracker Plant ; wetland conservation




42期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 35






Recent years have witnessed a great emphasis on grassroots efforts by global conservation movements. Advocates believe that conservation initiatives cannot be sustained unless they are integrated with a wide variety of local interests and thus gain local support. Nevertheless, given the fact that lower levels of governing systems usually pay more attention to real-life problem solving, how can ideology-driven movements such as ecological conservation survive in poorer rural areas? This paper examines the development history of the Aogu Wetland to understand how the environmental groups have succeeded in preserving a famous wetland in Taiwan. The case indicates that factional politics are not as detrimental to wetland conservation as many people might have expected. Although the conservation groups were still weak at the initial stage, they could have still been very effective in advocating their appeal by utilizing the conflicts of interest between major political factions in the locality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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