


Perception of Electoral Rules and Voting Participation: A Multilevel Analysis in 2008 Legislative Yuan Election




蕭怡靖(Yi-Ching Shiao)


多層分析 ; 投票參與 ; 單一選區兩票制 ; Mixed-Member Majoritarian System ; multilevel analysis ; voting participation




47期(2009 / 06 / 01)


29 - 58






The major purpose of this article is to examine whether voters' perception and evaluation of the new electoral rule, mixed-member majoritarian system (MMM), affected their voting participation in the 2008 Legislative Yuan election. Furthermore, a multilevel model is applied in this study to include both aggregate and individual level data to account for voters' participation in this election. It is found that voters' perception of the new electoral system produces significant impact on their voting participation. The more voters understand about the new electoral rule, the more likely they cast their votes. The results of the multilevel modeling indicate that although the aggregate level factors, including electoral competition, rate of population move-in, population density, and the number of candidate in each district, have no ”direct” effect on voting participation, there exists interactive effect of electoral competition at the aggregate level and partisan strength at the individual level on voters' participation. Partisan strength's effect on voting participation grows stronger if the level of competition becomes stronger in the district.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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