


Continuity and Change: A Panel Study of the Influence of Political Information on College Students' Political Trust




劉嘉薇(Jia-Wei Liu);黃紀(Chi Huang)


定群追蹤研究 ; 政治支持 ; 政黨認同 ; 傳播媒介 ; mass media ; panel study ; party identification ; political support




50期(2010 / 12 / 01)


111 - 146






Political trust among the general public determines citizens' support to the political system. College students are the future elites of the society and therefore how their sense of political trust is shaped by the mass media deserves close examination. This article analyzes the continuity and change of college students' political trust in Taiwan from the viewpoint of political communication of mass media based on a four-wave panel study. We find that from year to year about 40% of our respondents remain stab le in their political trust while about 60% of them change all the time. Two determinants are most significant. One is the subjective evaluation of the fairness of the mass media report, i.e., the more they feel media coverage is fair, the stronger sense of political trust they have. This finding fits the ”virtuous circle theory.” The other key factor is party identification, i.e., the pan-green identifiers who expose more to the media or believe that the media coverage is fair tend to have lower political trust than those low exposure. This finding fits the ”media malaise theory.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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