


The Feasibility Analysis of the Water Rights Fee




張筵儀(Yan-Yi Chang);陳金哲(Chin-Cher Chen);羅光達(kuang-Ta Lo)


水資源管理 ; 水權費開徵 ; 可行性評估 ; 共享性資源 ; 混合方法 ; common-pool resource ; feasibility analysis ; mixed methods ; water resource management ; water rights fee




51期(2011 / 06 / 01)


53 - 103






In recent years, the issue of water resources has seen the increased attention being given by the public and the private sector. Also, it has been highly concerned by the International Commission on Climate Change (International Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) because of the deterioration of water resources scarce. Moreover, water resources were viewed as the limited natural resources, which every country intends to actively develop and possess. It is very similar to the typical Common-Pool Resource with necessity and rival but not excludability. In Taiwan, water resources are unstable, and the rational allocation of water resources management appears to have been neglected for a long time. Therefore, the aim of this article attempts to evaluate the political possibility of levying water rights fee based on the Water Law. It is also expected to establish the mechanism for using water resources and offer the possible strategies for persuading policy. This research involved the mixed methodology, comprised of the quantitative of and qualitative approaches. The first stage is to conduct focus group interviews to investigate the policy stakeholders. The second stage is to use the questionnaire to survey the related policy stakeholders. According to the above results, we use SWOT to analyze the political possibility of levying water rights fee of Water Resource Agency. Overall, results of this study provide the reflections and challenges on the levying water rights fee. In conclusion, whether the policies could be effectively built and promoted by water rights management organization, it depends on the political effect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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