


Development and Challenge of Contemporary EU Climate Governance Strategy: Viewpoint of Climate Refugee Problem




李玫憲(Mei-Hsien Lee);洪銘德(Ming-Te Hung)


柔性強權 ; 氣候治理 ; 氣候難民 ; 氣候變遷 ; 歐洲聯盟 ; civilian power ; climate change ; climate governance ; climate refugee ; European Union




52期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






This article is a study on the European Union's policy on climate change, which aims at examining the development and challenge for EU strategy through a discussion of the issue of climate refugee. Based on the EU's normative role as ”civilian power,” the authors look into how the EU continues to push forward global climate change governance strategy in response to the climate refugee problem, based on the values of multilateralism and human security. First, this article discusses the international community's general response towards climate change and the background of the climate refugee issue and its security implications. Then this article seeks to combine theory and policy by systematically showing the development history of the EU's governance strategy and its policy stance and response towards the climate refugee problem. This article seeks to evaluate the result of the EU's governance strategy and analyze the benefits and losses of various policies and the underlying influences on the EU's role as civilian power.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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