


Cultural Sinicization: Encountering and Choice of Four Asian Diasporic Scholars on China




石之瑜(Chih-Yu Shih);吳昀展(Yun-Chan Wu)


施擬夏化 ; 中國崛起 ; 入江昭 ; 金淳基 ; 譚中 ; 黃朝翰 ; sinicization ; rise of China ; Samuel Kim ; Akira Iriye ; Tan Chung ; John Wong




54期(2012 / 12 / 01)


57 - 80






To understand the cultural mechanism of cultural Sinicization, discursive analysis of this article shows that the selected four academics consciously manage their liminal positions through scholarship: Kim's synthetic analysis, Iriye's centrist mediation, Tan's geocivilizational critique and Wong's scientific Chineseness. In their work on China, there appear at least two common puzzles that call for answers. How do they place themselves in the Sinic world: does China belong to an identical or a different ontological order? And how do they want China to be evaluated: should China conform to a Western standard expressed in values that are claimed to be universal? Kim's and Iriye's professional affiliations in the United States seem to push for a universalist prescription for China's place in the world; the peripheral relationship between Kim's and Wong's home on the one hand and China on the other hand pushes instead for a shared ontological identity. By contrast, freed from both American affiliation and a sense of belonging to the periphery leaves Tan with a different and more innocent sense of China. Given the constraining civilizational positions in which they found themselves and the empowering cultural resources at their disposal, all four scholars have to decide, discursively, professionally as well as personally, how to formulate their own identity strategy and style.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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