


Trade-Security Nexus in China-Singapore FTA




左正東(Chen-Dong Tso)


新加坡 ; 中國 ; 中新自由貿易協定 ; 貿易 ; 安全 ; Singapore ; China ; China-Singapore Free-Trade Agreement (CSFTA) ; trade ; security




54期(2012 / 12 / 01)


81 - 105






On bilateral free trade agreements, recent research starts to pay attention to security and diplomatic motivations, in addition to trade interest that conventional wisdom sees as the key. While the trade effect of free trade agreements is well studied by economists, the security effect is obviously understudied. In order to narrow the gap, this article chooses China-Singapore FTA (Free-Trade Agreement) as a case study. In doing so, it focuses on two aspects - trade and security, and investigates how China-Singapore relations evolved during the course of FTA negotiation and the role of FTA in the bilateral relations. Through this research, it is found that the start of the negotiation was a product of convergence between Singapore's economic motivation and China's security motivation. The agreement itself brings about visible impact on mutual investment and stimulates Singapore's export toward China. However, the defense cooperation that commenced during the negotiation carries symbolic importance while generating limited substance. The finding of this article distinguishes itself from past research by pointing out that pursuing security interest, rather than curbing security diseconomy, provides a better explanation for the formation of the China-Singapore FTA.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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