


The Neoliberal Root Cause of European Debt Crisis




盧倩儀(Chien-Yi Lu)


經濟暨貨幣聯盟 ; 歐債危機 ; 建構主義 ; 新自由主義 ; 凱因斯 ; EMU ; European debt crisis ; constructivism ; neoliberalism ; Keynesian




58期(2014 / 12 / 01)


37 - 71






Are the Greek profligacy, the Spanish and Irish housing bubble, and Italy's runaway debt the immediate causes or symptoms of the European debt crisis? Is the construction of the Euro area in a non-optimum currency area, the establishment of the monetary union in the absence of a fiscal union, and the design of the European Central Bank with the sole task of preventing inflation the indirect causes or symptoms of the European debt crisis? This article argues that the root cause of the European debt crisis lies in the spread of neoliberal ideology among political elites and intellectuals that occurred in the 1980s. The shared neoliberal ideas contributed to the re-launch of the European project in the 1980s, the single European currency that followed suit, the flawed-design of the ECB and the monetary union, and hence the crisis the EU is faced with today. Once the far-reaching impact of the neoliberal causal beliefs is put into perspective, it becomes clear that phenomena such as the Greek profligacy, the Spanish and Irish housing bubble, and the flawed-design of the monetary union are symptoms rather than causes of the crisis foreseen by many. The neoliberal ideology has not only caused the crisis but has severely eroded the foundation of the so-called European social model. In the pre-neoliberal era, the welfare state did not subordinate to the logic of market. In the neoliberal era, social resources are easily allocated on protecting the rich and the strong, with risks shouldered by the more disadvantaged in the society. The findings of this article show that among the mainstream integration theories, social constructivism, which stresses the importance of epistemic community and shared ideas, can provide the most in-depth explanation for the trajectory that the EU took leading up to the debt crisis. In contrast, liberal intergovernmentalism, which emphasizes national interests and negotiation power, can provide only superficial observations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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