


Age, Employment Status, and Political Participation: Observations on East Asia




吳親恩(Chin-En Wu);李鳳玉(Feng-Yu Lee)


政治參與 ; 年齡 ; 失業 ; 東亞 ; 抗爭 ; political participation ; age ; unemployment ; East Asia ; contentious activities




59期(2015 / 06 / 01)


81 - 108






We study political participation of different age groups in 11 East Asian countries by using the third wave Asian Barometer survey. The young voters tend to participate less in the conventional form of activities, such as voting, campaign activities, contacting government officials, and communal activities. The non-conventional form of activities can be divided into two groups. Activities such as raising an issue or signing petition are relatively peaceful, while activities like demonstration, march, and use of force are more confrontational, generating a hurdle to participation, especially for the adult and elder population. That is why the adult and elders participate more in petition, while the young cohort tends to participate more in the confrontational activities. In addition, we find that the impact of age on the confrontational political participation depends on the employment status of the voters. First, there is no participatory gap between age groups in the non-unemployed respondents. Second, among the unemployed voters, the youth and adult are more likely to participate in protest than the elder and the youth are more likely to adopt the use of force than the other age groups.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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