


Hedging in the Tributary System: Case Studies of the Korean Peninsula




張登及(Simon Teng-Chi Chang);金世勛(Sehun Kim)


朝貢體系 ; 避險 ; 朝鮮半島 ; 中韓關係 ; 國際關係理論 ; Tribute System ; Hedging ; Korean Peninsula ; Sino-Korean Relations International Relations Theory




63期(2017 / 06 / 01)


63 - 79




本研究迴異於以往國際關係理論與國關史一般關注大國關係的視角,選擇從不對稱關係中的小國出發,檢討小國面對兩個以上大國時的避險行為,並同時關注避險考慮背後的物質性因素與非物質性因素的作用。本研究挑選了高麗與遼國關係 (993 ~ 1019) 和朝鮮與後金關係 (1608 ~ 1636) 兩個案例,還是因為這兩組不對稱關係中,存在著顯著的文化認同差異。這個非物質性因素,顯然對半島方面的中小國家避險決策產生了重要的影響。研究的兩個案例顯示,半島國家在面臨周邊權力變化及新強權崛起時,當事國會首先考慮物質實力對比。如果新強權的侵略意圖明顯及物質能力強大,該國就只能採取完全制衡或完全扈從,沒有避險可談。如果新興強權的侵略意圖模糊,半島國家就會採取避險。一旦採取避險,決策過程與政策效果必然同時受到物質實力與理念因素的共同影響。非物質性因素是避險的「構成性」因素。特別是當朝貢體系的名分觀念仍是東亞國際關係史中重要的世界觀和秩序組織原理,且被中國週邊不同程度地社會化和共享,這樣的制度就會造成路徑依賴,對避險的成效發揮決定性作用。


In the field of International Relations, hedging strategy means that a state, when it faces a sudden emergence of rising power, chooses a flexible diplomatic strategy in order to maximize its interest or to minimize its loss. This research argues that hedging strategy can be influenced by both of material and non-material factors, although hedging is essentially a realist concept. According to realism, when a state faces the emergence of a rising power, it will choose either bandwagoning or balancing. However, as we have witnessed, states actually have wider spectrum of choices, especially when the rising power's capability and intention of revisionism (or invasion) is not clear. Therefore, this research aims at analyzing the process of hedging strategy and proving how material and non-material factors influence hedging's result. The historical cases of Goryeo-Liao and Chosun-Later Jin period will be analyzed as two asymmetric relations. Confucianism will be studied as non-material factors embedded in Goryeo and Chosun's foreign policy. When ancient dynasties of Korea adopted hedging strategy, the motivation is based on material power. However, nonmaterial factors as shared norm of Confucianism with China also influenced the efficiency of hedging, sometimes even led the policy to failure. Therefore, the research illustrates how hedging strategy is adopted against emerging power such as the two steppe regimes of Liao and Later Jin. It demonstrates the efficiency of material and non-material factors in the process of Korea's hedging decision.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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