


Sources of Political Knowledge: Socioeconomic Status, Media Use, and New Media Use




劉嘉薇(Jia-wei Liu)


政治知識 ; 知溝理論 ; 社經地位 ; 媒體使用 ; 新媒體 ; Political Knowledge ; Knowledge-Gap Theory ; Socioeconomic Status ; Media Use ; New Media




66期(2018 / 12 / 01)


29 - 63






Political knowledge means the public's understanding of political facts. In the past, the discussion of the sources of political knowledge in the domestic literature focused on the discussion of the use of social and economic status and traditional media. The rise of new media is a topic, but there is no systematic discussion of the relationship between the use of new media and political knowledge and that is the purpose of this study. If the use of new media has an impact on the increase of political knowledge, would it have an overall impact or would it affect only some public? Social status is still the cause of the political knowledge gap. Television use can enhance political knowledge, but newspaper cannot. Based on the theory (new media affect political knowledge only in higher-education people), this study adopts the new research design, we divide the people into different education levels (high/middle/low education), and finds that the use of new media can only improve the political knowledge of those who are highly educated. Compared with the influence of various media on the use of political knowledge, the majority of television have their positive significance. Although the essence of social media is social (communicate with others, not get knowledge), the positive value of public affairs is still worth pursuing, especially spending less time working in the organization for users to share and collaborate on generated content. However, it will require the expression and discussion of public affairs and avoid the sharing and production of false information in order to enable Internet users to get the correct political knowledge.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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