


The Reappearance of the Political Factions: Discussion on the Influence of Political Factions During the Second Abe Regime




吳明上(Ming-Shan Wu)


自民黨 ; 安倍政權 ; 派閥 ; 派閥政治 ; 首相主導 ; Abe Regime ; Faction ; Faction Politics ; Liberal Democratic Party ; Prime Ministerial-Led Politics




68期(2019 / 12 / 01)


109 - 136






In terms of the recent study of the Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) politics, it is generally believed that "Faction politics" was once regarded as synonymous with the LDP's politics, and that the LDP was a coalition of factions. Not only the prime minister, the highest political leader, was decided in accordance with the effect of the competition and cooperation among factions, but faction politics also played a crucial role in the cabinet composition. Thus, the powers of the prime minister were restricted relatively. However, after the Japanese government passed the political reform bill in 1994, the power was concentrated in the hands of the leadership core of the political party, and the influence of the faction decreases. Nevertheless, during the second Abe regime, the factions again influence on both the decision of the Prime Minister and the composition of the cabinet. This article intends to discuss the effect of the faction politics on the second Abe regime by comparing with Koizumi regime. The study will propose different views to challenge the general belief and analyze the effect of faction politics on the second Abe regime. Why was Koizumi regime compared with the second Abe regime? It is because Prime Minister Koizumi was the representative of the political reform, who successfully took advantage of the reform results. In his regime, he excluded the influence of the factions and developed the power structure of the "prime ministerial-led politics."

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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