


Tashiro Antei with the Establishment of the Theory of Llatter-day Sidewalk Trees in Taiwan




吳明勇(Ming-Yung Wu)


田代安定 ; 行道樹 ; 林業 ; 林業史 ; 近代城市 ; Tashiro Antei ; sidewalk trees ; forestry ; history of forestry ; modern cities




19期(2008 / 09 / 01)


275 - 289




日本領臺之初即注意行道樹的重要性,因為在殖民地的世界行道樹是一種文明進步的象徵,在國際上有誇耀展示治績的作用,因而行道樹的調查實驗一開始使屬於林業實驗系統統一項業務。然而,在1898年「臺北苗圃」的「苗圃規程」和1911年林業試驗場的「林業試驗場規程」中並沒有具體列出行道樹調查實驗項目,真到1921年中央研究所林業部成立,行道樹調查才首度明列為林業部部訂6項業務之一。這20餘年間,田代安定一直身處受台灣的林業實驗系統,不僅協助設立「臺北苗圃」更是赴恆春創設「恆春熱帶植物殖育場」;與此同時,則戮力思索並著書立說闡釋近代臺灣行道樹理論,田代安定可謂近代臺灣行道樹理論體系的建立者。 田代安定於1895年6月抵臺,直到1928年前往東京途中於鹿兒島去世,在臺期間長達到30餘年,其對臺灣近代林學實驗與植樹制度的建立貢獻卓著,是近代臺灣林業史相當重要的人物。本文將初步討論田代安定關於臺灣近代行道樹之理論,籍以略窺臺灣在近代文明世界中所建立的行道樹制度之基本輪廓。


In the earlier phase of Japanese colonial time in Taiwan, the importance of planting sidewalk trees had been noticed. It was because that, in the world of colony, planting sidewalk trees was symbolic of progress of civilization. In addition, it also served another function as showing off the achievement made by the colonial government in the international society. Therefore, investigation on sidewalk trees has been an important task for the forestry experiments. However, we can not find any subject related to the investigation of sidewalk trees in the nursery regulation of Taipei Nursery, 1989 nor Forestry research institute, 1911. Later on, in the year 1921, due to the establishment of Forestry Department of The Central Research Institute, investigation of sidewalk trees became one of the six tasks of the Forestry Department. Tashiro Antei had always been working on the Taiwan forestry experiment system therefore, the Taipei Nursery and Hen Chuen tropical plant nursery were built because of his devotion in this field. At the same time, he also devoted his time and efforts to write books concerning to the topic of Taiwan sidewalk trees. It goes without saying that, Tashiro Antei can be considered as the fundament father of Taiwan sidewalk-tree theory. Tashiro Antei arrived in Taiwan in June of 1895. On his way back to Tokyo in 1928, he passed away in Kagoshima. He had been staying in Taiwan for about 30 years. His contribution to the latter-day forestry experiment and system of trees plant is extremely important to the modem forestry its Taiwan. In this article, I'd like to introduce the theories of Tashiro Antei of latter-day sidewalk trees in order to get a glimpse of the sidewalks trees system of Taiwan in the modem world.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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