


A New View Regarding the Erroneous Accounts on the Ming Dynasty's Use of Battlewagon in the Official Histories Compiled by the Qing Dynasty




周維強(Wei-Qiang Zhou)


明代戰車 ; 火砲 ; 明史•兵志 ; 續文獻通考 ; 滿洲實錄 ; 滿文原檔 ; battlewagons ; artillery ; Mingshi Bingzhi the Treatises on military affairs in the History of the Ming dynasty ; Xu Wenxian Tongkao 續文獻通考 ; Original Manchu Archives 滿文原檔 ; military history




21期(2009 / 09 / 01)


111 - 160






Compiled by the official during the final years of Qianlong's reign, Mingshi (明史) and Qinding Xu Wenxian Tongkao (欽定續文獻通考) are the authoritative historical accounts of the Ming dynasty. Both of them viewed the Ming battlewagons negatively, and suggested that they were ”useless and have never seen a battle” or ”impractical and not battleworthy.” Their view greatly influenced later scholars. Some academic rebels tried to use historical records to debunk the widely-accepted view but in vain. This article presents two new approaches to disprove the negative view: 1. We investigated the compilation process of Mingshi and Qinding Xu Wenxian Tongkao to see how they came to the conclusion and how many mistakes were made; 2. On the other hand, we thoroughly examined the Original Manchurian Archives (滿文原檔) and early Qing Archives and uncovered a treasury of actual battlewagon usage records. Then we proposed hypothesis as to why these records were ignored. The evidence presented by us successfully debunked the established view regarding the battlewagons in the official Ming history authored by Qing scholars.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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