The essence of Japanese culture can be summed up in Chado (茶道), the tea culture, whichoriginates from the tea-drinking culture in China. In the Japanese history, the Heian (平安) period (794-1192) can be regarded as the ”preparatory period” of the tea culture. The tea fashion in the Heian (平安) period can be divided into two phases, of which the first phase, the Konin (弘仁) era ofEmperor Saga (嵯峨天皇), marks the beginning of the introduction of the Tang tea culture into Japan. With the support of the Emperor Saga, who himself emanates the literati sensibility, and the promotionby the scholar-monks such as Saicho (最澄), Kukai (空海), and Eichu (永忠), the tea fashion of thisperiod is imbued with a literati character and adopts tea poetry as a medium to connect to the tea cultureof the Tang dynasty. In their spiritual quest, the tea culture seeks the aspiration for spiritual elevationand aesthetics. The way of tea drinking also imitates that of the Tang dynasty. Thus the influence of theliterati tea fashion in Tang dynasty can be traced in the practician of tea culture, the ways of drinkingtea, the equipment adopted in tea-drinking and the manner of chakai (茶器), or tea feast (茶會). Thesecultural elements establish a solid base for the cultural diversity in Japanese tea culture.