Before Lu Yu composed his classic work on tea culture, there were various ways of drinking tea. Judging from Lu Yu's personal observation and the relevant documents referred to in ”The Classic of Tea”, the tea-drinking culture can be analyzed in six aspects: tea products, tea-making, tea preparation, ways of drink tea, tea utensils, and reasons for drinking tea. Before Lu Yu, there were diverse forms of tea utensils with various names, sometimes used with food and drinking vessels. Methods of using and forms of utensils were yet defined nor put into order.The form of tea-drinking promoted by Lu Yu was inherited by later literati and transformed into literati tea-drinking culture. The characteristic of this tea-drinking culture was its emphasis on spiritual values and on the cultivation of personal character and aesthetic appreciation. The twenty-five pieces of tea utensil designed in the Forth Chapter of Utensils in Lu Yu's ”The Classic of Tea” clearly shows a tendency toward simplicity. Simple utensils cultivate simple and spiritual characteristics. Celadon tea bowls of Yue kiln, with its simple glaze and design, allow people to appreciate the changing colors of tea and to enjoy the subtle beauty brought about by tea-drinking culture.