


A Study on the Colonial State Against the Pirates of East Asian Waters in the Late Qing Dynasty


陳鈺祥(Chen, Yu-hsiang)


東亞海域 ; 殖民國家 ; 「羅伯特.包恩」號事件 ; 海盜 ; the East Asian waters ; Colonial State ; Robert Bowne incident ; pirates




29期(2017 / 09 / 01)


113 - 134






Piracy activities have evolved with world trade. Today, the pirates still exist. Recently, the Somali pirates rampant, attracted the attention of all countries, in order to prevent piracy activities, then sent the Navy to protect the merchant ship between the Gulf of Aden, making piracy activities become transnational issues. This article is mainly to discuss the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Western colonial countries are also facing piracy problems, especially after the Opium War, the East Asian waters piracy more serious. Western colonial countries to safeguard their own business interests, it must catch the pirates in the East Asian waters, so that piracy cases have jurisdiction and territorial rights issues.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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