


A Study of Cultural Creative Industry Strategies to New Taipei City Local Economic Development


王韻涵(Wang, Yun-han)


文化 ; 創意 ; 產業 ; 文化創意產業 ; Culture ; Creative ; Industry ; Cultural and creative industries




29期(2017 / 09 / 01)


161 - 186






New Taipei City has been the home of cultural diversity. With their cultural and historical background, local districts have developed their own industries. Traditional handicrafts like pottery in Yingge, Hakka Blue-Dye in Sanxia, metal art in Shueinandong, Jinguashih and Jioufen areas, glass art and historical heritages in Tamsui, stone sculptures in Bali, and the aboriginal weaving industry in Wulai, are all valuable assets of cultural creative industries. This study examines the definitions and the backgrounds of the term "cultural creative industries". It probes the rise, the development, as well as policies to Taiwan cultural creative industries and analyses the current state of cultural creative industry development in New Taipei City. After the background research, three dimensions of strategies are drawn and suggestions are made to help prompting local development in New Taipei City: First, museums are a platform to foster culture clusters. Second, the cultivation and attraction to youth participation is important. Third, the introduction and development of cross cultural creative products and their applications can be a focus of local economic development to New Taipei City.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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