


Application for Bestowment of Plaque and Title for Temples in the Song Dynasty and the Audi Procedures - Taking Renji Temple in Anji County for Example


林煌達(Lin, Huang-ta)


祠廟士紳 ; 敕牒與廟額 ; 誥身與爵號 ; 詢究覈實 ; Temples ; gentry ; temple plaque ; investiture of the God ; investigation and checking




32期(2020 / 09 / 01)


29 - 56






During the Song Dynasty, if local temples and gods manifested miracles and helped resolve natural disasters, such as floods, then local residents would apply for bestowment of a title for the temple. After the imperial court performed a series of audit procedures, it would then bestow a plaque and a title to the temple. The procedures went as follows. First, the local residents, such as scholars and the elderly, listed the miracles manifested by the god and temple and requested a title in honor of the god and temple. Second, local government offices (county or state) and government officers were responsible for the investigation and checking of facts. The application was submitted to a superior unit in sequential order. Lastly, the Ministry of Rites and Court of Imperial Sacrifice followed the order from the imperial court to draft the plaque and title for the god and temple. However, after year 1109, the imperial court of the Song Dynasty stipulated that a plaque and title for god and temple shall be named by Chung-Shu-She-Jen and bestowed according to the edict issued by the Emperor. The major difference was the "naming" by Chung-Shu-She Jen, suggesting that Chung-Shu-She-Jen was entitled to reject a draft or title in case of any concern. If the local residents happened to serve as government officials in the imperial court, then they might be able to further persuade Chung-Shu-She-Jen, who might assist in the bestowment of plaque and title for the temple. In addition to paying tribute to the mercy of gods, the reason why the imperial court in the Song Dynasty bestowed temple plaque and title to god and temple was also to respond to the request/application of local residents. Similar to magistrates and mayors, candidates in the imperial examinations and scholars also played important roles and usually were responsible for filing the application, suggesting that local literati had a certain influence on the operations of local affairs.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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