


Message from the Central Plains: Father George Foffel's Missionary Experience in Henan


吳蕙芳(Wu, Huey-Fang)


信陽傳教區 ; 新鄉傳教區 ; 天主教聖言會 ; 教會史 ; 文化交流 ; 民間社會 ; Xinyang mission area ; Xinxiang mission area ; Catholic Society of Divine Word ; church history ; cultural exchange ; rural society




33期(2021 / 09 / 01)


21 - 41




傅相讓神父(Fr. George Foffel, 1898~1992)為美籍天主教聖言會(Societas Verbi Divini, 簡稱SVD)會士,出生愛荷華(Iowa)州,1917年入聖言會接受陶成教育,1929年晉鐸後即被派往中國河南南部的信陽傳教區工作,1933年轉至河南北部的新鄉服務,1941年珍珠港事件爆發,因其美籍身份為日軍拘禁,直至1943年乃得返回美國,結束在中國約十四年的傳教生涯。傅相讓神父在華期間曾撰寫書信及專文描述個人工作狀況及所見所聞,本文主要透過這些文字記載及其他一、二手史料,呈現當時在中國的日常生活狀況與傳教工作成果。


Father George Foffel is a member of the Societas Verbi Divini (SVD) in the U.S.A.. He was born in Iowa in 1917, enrolled in the Catholic Church and was educated a priest. After his ordination in 1929 he was sent to work in the Xinyang mission area in southern Henan, China. In 1933, he was transferred to Xinxiang mission area in northern Henan to continue his mission work. In 1941, the Pearl Harbor incident took place. Because of his American nationality, he was detained by the Japanese army until 1943. He returned to the United States and this was the end of his 14 year-long missionary career in China. During his stay there, Father George Foffel wrote letters and essays describing personal work conditions and what he saw and heard. This article mainly uses these written records and other primary and secondary historical materials to present the daily life in North China and the results of missionary work at that time.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
  1. 吳蕙芳(2018)。建立新鄉樂園:米幹神父在豫北的傳教事業。國史館館刊,56,6-7+14+30-31+33-34。
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  4. “With our American Missionaries(From Fr. Foffel),” The Christian Family and Our Missions, July 1933, p.221.
  5. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to cousin Eva,” May 24, 1930; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.
  6. (2008)。「王村天主堂碑記」(2008 年12 月25 日聖誕節立)。
  7. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to everybody,” July 14, 1938.
  8. Thomas Megan,”Escaping Martyrdom,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, February 1931, pp.38-39、42
  9. “Aus der Steyler Sinsiang-Mission, Nordhonan, d. i. nördlich vom Gelben Fluß,” Steyler Missionsbote, Juli 1940, p.257.
  10. “With our American Missionaries(From Fr. Megan),” The Christian Family and Our Missions, March 1934, p.91.
  11. Thomas Megan,”When the Bishop Comes,” The Little Missionary, September 1938, p.100
  12. “An Appeal from Father Foffel, S.V.D. in China,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, December 1933, p.380.
  13. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to dear friend,” December 9, 1940; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  14. Thomas Megan,”For Charity’s Sake,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, January 1938, pp.9、34
  15. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to all my dear friends, benefactors, relatives, and acquaintances,” September 7, 1937; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.
  16. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to cousin Eva,” July 12, 1933; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  17. Thomas Megan,”Sinsiang Steps Forward!” The Christian Family and Our Missions, June 1940, p.207
  18. (1986).辭海.臺北:臺灣中華書局.
  19. “Reds of Russia Advancing in China,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, September 1932, p.283
  20. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to aunt Nellie and cousin Eva,” February 7, 1930; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  21. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to everyone,” July 14, 1938, pp.1-2, 4-5 ; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  22. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel(Christmas Greetings),” November 16, 1930; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  23. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel(Christmas Greeting),” November 4, 1939; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  24. “Letter from Fr. George Foffel to aunt Nellie, cousin Eva and Carl,” November 17, 1932; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  25. Aug. Emarzlg,”Die apokalyptischen Reiter,” Steyler Missionsbote, Juli 1932, pp.232-233
  26. Bernard Kowalski,”Little Drops of Water,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, July, 1940, p.250.
  27. George Foffel,“Explanation of the Enclosed Chinese Calendar,” 1931; in SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A..
  28. George Foffel,”How the Bandits Raided Tsai-keo,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, August 1932, p. .251-253、256.
  29. George Fröwis,”A Chapter of Honan History,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, June 1932, pp.188-189.
  30. Henkels, Joseph(1989).My China Memoirs, 1928-1951.Techny, Illinois:Society of the Divine Word.
  31. Leeb, Leopold(ed.).Leopold Leeb ed., Biographies of SVDs in China(1879-1955), unpublished(ad usum internum tantum), pp.113、75..
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  33. Thomas Megan,”Floods in China: 50,000,000 people facing starvation,” The Christian Family and Our Missions, November 1931, pp.348-350.
  34. Wojniak, Edward J.(1957).Atomic Apostle: Thomas Megan, S.V.D..Techny, Illinois:Divine Word Publication.
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