


Chinese Education in the Sociopolitical Climate of post-WWII Lao, 1945~1975


任弘(JEN, Hong)


伊莎拉運動 ; 巴特寮 ; 寮都公學 ; 百細華僑公學 ; the Lao Issara Liaodu ; Pathet Lao ; Liaodu Chinese School ; Pakse Chinese School




33期(2021 / 09 / 01)


75 - 111






Lao was the only inland country in Indochina Peninsula, with the least immigrants in the Southeast Asia. In the 1930s, five Chinese schools were build up in some enclaves, including Liaodu Chinese School (1937)(寮都公學) and Pakse Chinese School (1933)(百細華僑公學). In the 1960s Chinese school had developed to the peak, more than one thousand students were enrolled in. Until the coup d'etat in 1975, those schools were on the right way. The largest Chinese immigrants group are from Chaozhou (潮州), Hakka (客家) is the second, but each often cooperate, teaching Manderin Chinese as a consensus. In the 1940s, Lao political development were follow Vietnamese step such as the establishment of Isala and Pathelao. Lao diplomacy trying to keep neutral for the way to survive, between the major powers after its independence. Both Communism China and United States, also took some undercover action. In the process of establishing ethnic economic and nation state, Lao also introduced some chinese exclusion act, but basically by peaceful means. The fall and rise of the Chinese school in the Lao political development are a miniature of the history of Chinese immigrant.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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