Local Studies have been developed in Taiwan for more than 30 years, however, there are long-term problems such as the inability to effectively preserve, add value, reuse, transform, and promote research materials. Based on the concept of Digital Curation, this article follows the "Digital Curation Model of Local Studies Data" we proposed before, and takes the history of "The 160th Anniversary of the opening of Tamsui Port" as an example to collect filter, and aggregate the historical materials, moreover, also conducting fieldwork in the Tamsui to enhance understanding of local history. For the collected data, digital processing and preservation are carried out, and the access, exhibition and reuse of subsequent digital content are also considered, so as it can be transformed into popular content suitable for public reading and watching. Finally, we integrate three achievements: first, we produced and broadcasted the video "The 160th Anniversary of the opening of Tamsui Port"; secondly, we adapted the lyrics and performed "Sing the Songs of Tamsui" in public; and then, we held a VR curation. All of the above are expected to bring the experience of traveling through ancient and modern times to the audience. Based on the analysis of online viewing traffic in this study, it can be known that digital curation does have the effect of spreading without limitation of time and space.
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