


Fiction and Truth - The Analysis of Cao-Jing "Cai Liao Can Sang You Zhong Yang Fu"


張鳳玲(Feng-Ling Chang)


辭賦 ; 臺灣賦 ; 農業生活 ; Ci Fu ; Taiwanese Fu ; rural life




41期(2015 / 10 / 01)


125 - 153






Cao-Jing is Chen Wei-Ying's student. He leaves twenty-two Fu works (odes), most of which are Lv-Fu works. Cao's Fu works include various subject matters; nevertheless, there have merely been a few number of people who study them in depth. The following researchers have been less involved in writing of Fu. This essay is aimed to analyze the form and content of "Cai Liao Can Sang You Zhong Yang Fu", which will be further examined and commented, particularly on the author's motivaton and methods for creating the work. The form of this targeted Fu is arranged as neatly as a four-word poem. It is not only quite outstanding among Cao's Fu works, but also rare amid other Taiwanese Fus. Besides, the Fu's theme and rhymes both derive from the poem, "The Countryside in April", penned by the poet, Weng-Juang, of the Southern Sung Dynasty. Cao-Jing, however, took teaching as his career and seemd that he had never raised silkworms, grown mulberry and transplanted rice seedlings. Hence, the question has been asked how he wrote a detailed Fu concerning a busy season for farmers. Furthermore, the business ofraising silkworms and growing mulberry was not practiced in Taiwan during the era of the Daoguang Emperor and Xianfeng Emperor, and Yang-Ma, a farm tool, was also not found in Taiwan ofthe early modem period. The rural life, described by Cao-Jing, has still been in questionsn if he really experienced it in person; thus, the fiction and truth is the main focus of this study. Eventually, Cao-Jing made a splendid ending of the Fu, which is considered one of the qualities ofFu's style. The Fu was composed not only to praise the ruler's sacred virtues, but also to imply that the governing class needed to investigate the feelings of their subjects. On the other hand, it manifests Cao-Jing's sense of responsibility and hismission. Although most of Cao-Jing's works present the desire of pursuing reclusive life and standing aloof from worldly affairs, his positive attitude towards the society is, nevertheless, observed through this Fu. In other words, Cao-Jing no longer felt sorrowful and relied on writing to express his emotions, but resorted to one of Fu's functions, sarcasm, to demonstrate the Confucianism's philosophy ofpractical purposes.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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