


Study on the Phonetic Notations in Wang Jingzhi's Shijing Tongshi


丘彥遂(Hew Yuen-Suey)


王靜芝 ; 詩經通釋 ; 音注 ; 直音 ; Wang Jingzhi ; Shijing Tongshi(Interpretation of Shijing) ; phonetic notations ; Zhiyin(direct phonetic)




45期(2017 / 10 / 01)


1 - 25




王靜芝先生的《詩經通釋》是一本有關《詩經》大義的通論性專著,全書力求簡明,不作煩瑣的考證,是輔仁大學「詩經」課程向來所使用的課本。靜芝先生在為《詩經》注釋時,使用了大量的音注,根據本文的統計,總數高達1800條(1862次)。既然靜芝先生為《詩經》所作的音注,內容如此豐富,自然值得後人研究。因此,本文即以《詩經通釋》中的音注作為觀察對象,除了進行全面的統計外,還條列出共九種形式,即:直音、注音符號、讀為、紐四聲法、譬況、讀如、反切、讀作、讀與某同其中又以「直音」的使用最為頻繁,高達1701次,佔總數的91.35%。此外,本文亦指出 《詩經通釋》音注的一些技術性缺失,例如被注字錯置、注音符號有誤、注字有問題等等,這些缺失主要是排版的問題,倘若新版能代為修正,相信會讓全書更趨完善。


Shijing Tongshi (《詩經通釋》,Iterpretation of Shijing) is a generalized explanation of the original poem in Shijing(《詩經》,The book of songs )by Wang Jingzhi (王靜芝).It has been used as teaching material for the subject on "Shi Jing" in Fu Jen Catholic University due to Mr. Wang's is concise explanations According to the statistical results in this paper, Mr. Wang uses numerous phonetic notations in doing annotations for Shijng, with an astonishing amount of more than 1862 times. Because of the phonetic notations done by Mr. Wang in Shijing is bountiful, it should be a good reference for future research in the related studies. Consequently, phonetic notations of Shijing Tongshi have been focused on this paper. Except for the statistical research, this paper also lists out nine different types of phonetic notation used by Mr. Wang. In this book, a traditional method Zhiyin"(直音,direct phonetic) is the most frequently used method in phonetic notation. It has been used in doing annotation up to 1701 times (91.35%). Despite that, this paper also points out some technical mistakes and limitations in using the phonetic notations of Shijing Tongshi. Due to typesetting problems, there are a few mistakes that be revealed, for example, the error in using and categorizing Chinese characters into phonetic alphabets, wrong annotation and more. In order to avoid future complications, the future publisher should take these mistakes and limitations into consideration and then make better editions to the book.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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