


The Analysis and composing of the question-Zhang Xian Ci-poetry is a transition at all time


徐秀菁(Hsu Hsiu-Ching)


清代詞學 ; 陳廷焯 ; 《白雨齋詞話》 ; 張先 ; 慢詞 ; The Study of the Theory about Ci-poetry in the Qing Dynasty ; Chen Tieng-Zhuo ; 'Bai Yu Zhai Ci Hua' ; Zhang Xian ; Man Ci-Poetry




46期(2018 / 04 / 01)


67 - 104






On the influence and status of Zhang Xian Ci-poetry in the history of Ci-poetry; some are in favor of it, some are against of it. Those who approve it raise the Zhang Xian Man Ci-poetry to the same level as Liu Yong Man Ci-poetry. They regard his Ci-poems serve as a link between past and future which is based on the quotation-Zhang Xian Ci-poetry is a transition at all time-from 'Bai Yu Zhai Ci Hua' by Chen Ting-Zhuo. Those who oppose it think that most of Zhang Xian Man Ci-Poetry is written in his later life. It's time couldn't be earlier than Liu Yong, therefore, it's hard to prove that it serves as a link between past and future. Zhang Xian Man Ci-poetry cannot be equated with Liu Yong's, they criticize what Chen said had made too much of him on purpose. In order to realize the cause of this dispute, the assessment process and basis of Zhang Xian Ci-poetry will be analyzed first, according to some poem works related to the history of Ci-poetry and the theory of Ci-poetry. Next, we'll discuss the origin of the assertion of Chen Ting-Zhuo. Finally, we'll compare the presentation of Zhang Xian Man Ci-poetry and made an overall judgment to see whether it's comprehensive; according to the judgment of Zhang Xian Ci-poetry by Chen Ting-Zhuo. We find out the point of dispute is not to judge the status of Zhang Xian in Ci history, but to see the presentation and direction of Zhang Xian Ci-poetry. In objective point of view, although the quantity of Zhang Xian Man Ci-poetry is not as many as Liu Yong, furthermore, his presentation and skill is not as good as Liu Yong, he's still a featured Ci poet, who was willing to try new patterns. According to the analysis of the quotation-Zhang Xian Ci-poetry is a transition at all time, we can reconsider the process of judgement of the status of a Ci poet. It offered a different viewing and understanding way of Zhang Xian Ci-poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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