


Reflections and Changes in the Theory of "Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi" in the Interpretation Tradition of Zhuangzi


江毓奇(Chiang Yu-Chi)


以莊解莊 ; 《莊子》詮釋傳統 ; 原生性詮釋觀念 ; 範型性詮釋 ; Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi ; The interpretation tradition of Zhuangzi ; The concept of original interpretation ; paradigmatic interpretation




47期(2018 / 10 / 01)


1 - 49






The theory of "Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi" is the concept of original interpretation in Zhuangzi's interpretation tradition. Its contextual meaning may also contain three levels of differences and considerations: First, "Person making a point" (often presented by others) The issue of the similarities and differences between the situation proposed by the person and the "actual interpreter". Second, what kind of explanation basis is the "Zhuangzi" of "Using Zhuangzi"? Is "the basis for the interpretation of the Zhuangzi literature as an explanation?" Or is it based on the understanding of the theory of Zhuangzi? Or does it mean a dialectical relationship between the two? Third, what kind of purpose orientation does "Zhuangzi" in "Explain Zhuangzi" mean? Is "for the purpose of reading the language of the Zhuangzi?" Or is it "for the purpose of the existence and practice of Zhuangzi?" Or does it mean a dialectical or focused relationship between the two? Therefore, the author's purpose in writing this paper is mainly to discuss the individual situations in which the "Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi" theory is re-positioned in the interpretation tradition of Zhuangzi. On the one hand, the individual " Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi " theory is manifested in their respective interpretation situations. Reflection on the other side; on the other hand, it analyzes the inheritance and change of the traditional " Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi " theory in the interpretation tradition of Zhuangzi. In short, the specific connotation of the " Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi " theory is related to the influencing factors such as the method and purpose of the author, the expression of the classical text, the existence and practice of the interpreter, and the inheritance and innovation of the interpretation of tradition. Therefore, the reflection of "Using Zhuangzi to explain Zhuangzi" in the interpretation tradition of Zhuangzi can not be directly equated with the idea of returning to the classic meaning or the author's original intention, and the plural factors and rich connotations involved in it can also be regarded as contemporary. Zhuangzi's interpreters have deeper and broader thinking, and their methodological reflections and choices when creating the contemporary meaning of Zhuangzi.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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