


The Imaginary Parody of Empire: The Imitation of A Fang Gong Fu in the Village Stash and Opium smoking House in Disable Writing


梁淑媛(Liang Shu-Yuan)


晚清民初 ; 仿阿房宮賦 ; 窩 ; 癮 ; 關係連結 ; 敢怒 ; In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China ; Imitation of A Fang Gong Fu ; Stash (Wo) ; Addiction ; Relationship ; Anger




47期(2018 / 10 / 01)


135 - 175




「阿房宮」,秦帝國經野雄心審度之建築,宮殿苑囿櫛次鄰比、鉤心鬥角,本應象徵秦帝國國勢的強大;然而,近年來經由考古的探勘發現,這個宮殿只構建了前殿基址,甚至傳說中項羽的那一把火,燒的也不是阿房宮。一個傳說,兩個虛擬,仍吸引晚唐杜牧寫下〈阿房宮賦〉,以賦代論諷諫帝王,戒除驕奢淫逸。時空流衍至晚清民初,吾人可以發現在仿擬賦作中以「仿阿房宮賦」為數最多,由此遂形成(秦末)「阿房宮」、(晚唐),「阿房宮賦」、(晚清民初)「仿阿房宮賦」的末世之音。本文基此緣由,摘選〈窩房宮賦 仿阿房宮賦原韻〉、〈鴉片烟賦 仿阿房宮賦〉二賦作為代表,探討晚清民初以人民俚俗語言,諷喻為文寫成之賦作,並其與前代的差異:首先展開賦文中文字特顯之處,亦即「窩」對「宮」進行殘形變態的仿作與勸誡;賦中亦關注到「癮」:一個關乎百姓「身」與「心」俱殘的國家、社會議題,然其解決之道,並非懲誡,而是「關係連結」的認知;還有在十九世紀末「文明」與「野蠻」對立的國際時空局勢下,百姓如何衝破漢唐溫厚之音,於賦中發出「敢怒」的吼聲。


"Afang Palace", the building of the Qin Empire's ambition and ambition, the palace court, the neighboring ratio, and the intent of the heart, should have symbolized the power of the Qin Empire. However, in recent years, through archaeological exploration, the palace only built the front hall. The base address, even the legendary Xiang Yu's fire, is not the A fang Palace. A legend, two virtual, still attracts the late Tang Dumu to write "A Fang Gong Fu", to ridicule the emperor, to ridicule the arrogance and extravagance. Time and space flow to the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, we can find that in the imitation of the imitation of the "Imitation of A Fang Gong Fu" as the most, thus forming (After Qin) "Afang Palace", (late Tang) "Afang Palace Fu", (late The Qing Dynasty began with the sound of the end of the world. This article is based on this reason, the selection of "Wofang Gong Fu imitation A Fang Gong Fu original rhyme", "opium smoke Fu imitation A Fang Gong Fu" two Fu as a representative, to explore the late Qing and early Republic of China with the people's folk language, allegorical writing for the work, And its difference from the previous generation: First of all, the special features of the Chinese characters in the Essays, that is, the imitation and exhortation of the "fighting" on the "Palace"; the Fu is also concerned about the "addict": one is related to the "body" and "heart" of the people The national and social issues, but the solution is not a punishment, but a cognition of "relationship"; and how can the people break through the Han and Tang dynasties in an international time and space situation where "civilization" and "barbarism" oppose at the end of the 19th century? The sound of warmth and thickness made a cry of "brave" in Fu.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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