


Christianity: The meaning of religion in Modem Chinese Literature


鄭安茱(Tee An-Chu)


五四 ; 知識份子 ; 基督宗教 ; 中國現代文學 ; 基督教文化 ; May Fourth ; intellectuals ; Christianity ; modern Chinese literature ; Christian culture




48期(2019 / 04 / 01)


133 - 155






During the May Fourth Movement, religious discussions were very active. This is not surprising as religion was one of the important literature topic of the New Culture Movements and was included in their intensive debates. Combining the historical context and the distinctive circumstances in China, this article aims to re-examine the differences between Christian elements and Christian culture in modem Chinese literature. It focuses on the ways it was accepted, rejected and criticised by the Chinese intellectuals toward Christian culture at that time. By doing so, this article will point out the difficulties and deficiencies of those approaches. However, the endeavour of connecting Chinese modem literature with Christian culture is not an attempt to negate the value and significance of Chinese modem literature by setting Christian culture as the role model. In fact, Christian culture played a role in reflecting and providing a deeper understanding in the historical meaning of Chinese modem literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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