


The Features and purpose of reference from The Book of Change of Cha Bin


邱君奎(Chiu Chun-Kuei)


查彬 ; 《六十四卦經史彙參》 ; 援史證《易》 ; 乾嘉《易》學 ; Cha Bin ; 64 qua jing shi hui can ; Reference from The Book of Change ; Ch'ien-lung and Chia-ch'ing Zhouyi




49期(2019 / 12 / 01)


65 - 100






Cha Bin ( 1762-1821, courtesy name is Bo-Ye and art name is Hsianghsiang daoren) was a Confucian scholar in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. He, devoted to study from his childhood, was energetic in light that he became an expert of the study of classics when he was twenty years old, and never gave up the study during his thirty odd years after being a minister. Moreover, he always recorded his thoughts whenever he was inspired, even till old age. Cha Bin's study was on Yijing principally and he inherited the spirit of Yang Wan-Li, a Confucian scholar in the Song Dynasty, who used the historical past to verify what Yijing taught. Cha Bin wrote 64 qua jing shi hui can, which he used the historical past to view the present in order to distinguish the theme that the study of classics would lead to practical use. In that book, lines had to be understood before Yijing was interpreted, and then the historical events were used to interpret the theories of Yijing. Further, 64 qua jing shi hui can was characteristic that the quantity of the historical events used by a line was usually over ten and the historical events were through various dynasties. As a masterpiece in the "historical events Yijing" category in the middle Qing Dynasty, it offered abundant historical evidence for the subsequent scholars to view. This study, aimed to explore the characteristics of Cha Bin's using history in verifying Yijing, described briefly his purpose and characteristics in interpreting Yijing and his thoughts of Yi learning. It was expected that the current study would facilitate the scholars to know Cha Bin and the complete 64 qua jing shi hui can of him.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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