


Perception of Risk and Preventive Measures among Health Care Workers after the SARS Outbreak in Taiwan




林依靜(YC Lin);郭育良(YL Guo);駱麗華(LH Lo);謝宗勳(TS Shieh);郭耀昌(YC Guo);侯瑞葉(JY Hou);蕭淑銖(JSC Shiao)




13卷1期(2006 / 01 / 25)


39 - 46




2003年三月至六月間,台灣爆發嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes; SARS),計有346名可能病患及73名死亡病例。本研究針對醫療人員對感染SARS的風險認知情況以及其所面臨到與工作或非工作相關之問題進行探討。 研究進行期間為2003年五月至六月,選取4家醫療院所共1,527名醫療人員進行自填式問卷訪視;共計回收1,269份有效問卷(回收率83%)。結果顯示,超過60%之醫療人員自覺「有暴露於SARS之高危險性」;70%自覺「害怕因為感染SARS而得病」。就防護措施而言,有81%之醫療人員表示現有的防護措施「普遍有效」,而有77%認為「對於這些措施對我的必需性及重要性之解釋成到滿意」。就對工作產生的影響而論,感覺「工作時較有壓力」者佔了68%,44%則認為「工作量增加」,45%的人必須要執行平常他們不需負責的工作;另外有34%的人必須要加班。超過一半以上的受訪者擔心會傳染SRAS給自己的家人、親近的朋友或是同事。 根據研究調查的結果發現,由於SARS的疫情爆發,台灣醫療人員感染的風險、工作量及工作壓力都顯著的增加,社交功能也明顯的受到影響。因此職場安全與健康的促進措施不僅僅在預防院內感染,同時也需重視致死性流行性疾病所帶來的其他的相關性影響。


Taiwan was affected by an outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) from March to June 2003, with 346 probable cases and 73 deaths. We studied the perceptions of risk of SARS infection, work related and non-work related problems faced by health care workers (HCW5) in Taiwan as a result of the SARS outbreak. This was a self-administered questionnaire survey of 15, 27 HCW5 from four health care settings in May-June 2003. A total of 1,269 valid questionnaires were returned (83% response). More than 60% of HCW5 believed they were ”at great risk of exposure to SARS”, and 70% were ”afraid of falling ill with SARS”. In the case of protective measures, 81% felt that implementation of protective measures at work were ”generally effective”, and 77% were ”satisfied with the explanation of their necessity and importance to me”. In terms of effect on work, 68% reported feeling ”more stressed at work”, 44% felt ”an increase in workload”, 45% had to perform work that they ”normally don't do”, while 34% had to work overtime. More than a half of the participants were concerned about passing SARS to family members, close friends, or work colleagues. Health care workers in Taiwan were affected significantly by the SARS outbreak, with increased risk of infection, increased job demand and work stress, and affected social situations. Occupational safety and health measures not only should aim at preventing nosocomial infection, but also need to address other issues associated with fatal epidemics such as SARS.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫院管理與醫事行政